Experienced Springfield MO Criminal Defense Attorney Focused on Mitigation and Alternative Sentencing
DWI, Drugs, Probation, Serious Traffic | Driving Privileges
Don't Let Criminal Charges Overwhelm Your Life
Criminal charges threaten your future and can overwhelm your life. The consequences impact families, careers, reputations, and mental health. Furthermore, over 90 percent of criminal cases are resolved without a trial. Therefore, the majority of people charged with a crime do not need a trial attorney; they need an attorney focused on mitigation and alternative sentencing.
My sentencing map can guide you through your criminal case
If you are charged with a DWI, drug, property, or serious traffic offense, you need an experienced lawyer with a proven plan. I have practiced law in Missouri Courts for almost thirty-nine years, four as a prosecutor and the rest as a defense attorney. Furthermore, I have served on local drug courts for fifteen years and understand the science of evidence-based sentencing and treatment. I design mitigation action plans that guide my clients through their criminal cases, giving them specific directions to follow that could lead to better outcomes and happier lives.
What is your story?
Our lives are stories about where we are, how we got here, and where we are going. All of us are on a journey headed somewhere. However, sometimes we lose our bearings and get headed in the wrong direction.
If you are charged with a crime, the prosecutor has a story about you, your case, and your future. However, that story is not the complete story because it does not take into consideration how you got here and what you could do now to change the direction of your life.
Your story matters. Therefore, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you right your story and then persuasively tell your story during plea negotiations or at sentencing.
My name is Souder Tate, and I am a criminal defense and sentencing mitigation attorney located in Springfield, Missouri. If you or someone you love is charged with a crime in Southwest Missouri, call or email me today to schedule an appointment.
Municipal, Misdemeanor and Felony Driving While Intoxicated.
Possession, sale, distribution, manufacturing, and trafficking.
Burglary, Stealing, Tampering with a vehicle, and Property Damage.
Probation violations and treatment court termination hearings.
Leaving Scene of an Accident, Driving While Revoked/Suspended.
Limited Driving Privileges (hardship) and Reinstatements.
"I can honestly say he is the best attorney I have watched practice in a courtroom... he is also a kind man who cares about his clients, their families, and people in general. "
Jessica U.
"I couldn't be happier with the representation that I received. Mr. Tate is very knowledgeable in the workings of the Missouri Court system and the law."
Ron M.
"Best lawyer in town. I was on probation and caught another charge so I hired Souder Tate and he got my probation extended. I was looking at 15 years in prison."
Jana W.

However, heroes can devote their lives to the wrong thing.

"I help heroes slay their dragons."
I screen clients for substance abuse, mental health, childhood trauma, and other criminogenic and responsivity needs.
"Sow a thought to someone's imagination and invite them into a story better than the one they are living."
Over twenty years of research in criminology shows that certain risk factors often found in an antisocial lifestyle directly increase the probability a person will commit a crime. In fact, the more risk factors present, the greater the likelihood of future criminal behavior.
The good news is that many of these risk factors can be treated and eliminated. However, barriers often exist which interfere with treatment and with living a happy, prosocial life.
I help heroes slay their dragons by screening them to identify criminogenic and responsivity needs. Then, he designs a plan to help his clients address those needs.
>> Criminogenic Needs
Criminogenic needs are risk factors which research shows can directly increase the probability that someone will commit a crime in the future. These include substance abuse, education and employment problems, family/marital problems, lack of prosocial leisure activities, criminal companions, criminal thinking, and antisocial personality patterns.
>> Responsivity Needs
Responsivity needs are barriers or factors which prevent someone from addressing their criminogenic needs. These include trauma, mental health, physical withdrawals, homelessness, lack of transportation, medical problems, cultural issues, and lack of motivation.

"I help heroes map their journeys."
I design sentencing mitigation action plans that guide my clients through their criminal cases, giving them specific directions to follow that could lead to better outcomes and happier lives.
The Science of Happiness
Positive Psychology is the evidence-based study of human happiness and flourishing. Dr. Martin Seligman, one of its pioneers, defines well-being using the acronym PERMA. According to his definition, well-being involves a combination of: Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. You can find out more by following this link: The PERMA Model: Your Scientific Theory of Happiness.
I am a criminal defense attorney and sentencing mitigation specialist based in Springfield, Missouri. My 39 years of criminal law experience include four years as a prosecutor and 14 years serving on drug courts. I majored in Creative Writing at Missouri State University.

Souder Tate, Criminal Defense and Sentencing Mitigation
"If you are willing to fight, Souder is the man you need in your corner."
A Mitigation Action Plan for Your Criminal Defense
I design mitigation action plans (a sentencing mapSM) that guide my clients through their criminal cases, giving them specific directions to follow that could lead to better outcomes and happier lives. Moreover, a sentencing map provides both structure and direction to your criminal defense.
First, I screen my clients for childhood trauma, mental health, substance abuse, education and employment deficits, and other risks and barriers (needs). Second, based on the results of the screening, I refer clients for appropriate evidence-based interventions to address those needs.
Furthermore, each client receives a sentencing mitigation workbook which includes a list of important documents they can collect along with guidelines for writing character reference letters and other important documents. By addressing their needs, clients improve the likelihood of receiving better outcomes and living happier lives.

>> Why I Screen for Trauma and Mental Health Disorders
Many people facing serious criminal charges have suffered trauma. Often, their trauma began during childhood. Souder Tate screens his criminal defense clients for childhood trauma, substance use, and other mental health disorders.
Addiction and mental health disorders should be addressed through treatment and not by incarceration. Therefore, Souder Tate designs mitigation action plans to help clients address their needs while in the community.
Addressing trauma, mental health, substance abuse, and other needs can transform lives. Furthermore, it can create mitigating factors which can be used during plea negotiations or at sentencing to argue for better dispositions.
Souder Tate Law LLC
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“Very professional law firm, they helped me with a very difficult DWI case that other lawyers around here couldn’t. I will be forever thankful to Mr. Souder!” ~ G.E.
Sow a thought. Reap an action.
Sow an action. Reap a habit.
Sow a habit. Reap a character.
Sow a character. Reap a destiny.
Changing your destiny begins with changing your thinking.
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Fourth, the choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.